100% funded crisis counselling on energy cost relief from the state of Baden-Württemberg
Small and medium-sized companies in Baden-Württemberg that are affected by the economic impact of the Russian war on Ukraine and the energy cost crisis can still access up to 4 days of free crisis consulting until 30th June (only the VAT has to be paid).
The crisis counselling supports companies in these tasks, for example:
– Survey of the actual situation in the company
– Supporting crisis management
– Reducing vulnerability to energy price fluctuations
– Identification of approaches for passing on higher energy costs to customers
– Development of a strategy and concepts for crisis management
The application and approval process for industry and service companies is carried out by RKW Baden-Württemberg (www.rkw-bw.de), for craft enterprises by BWHM (www.bwhm-beratung.de).
Feel free to contact us about the possibilities of applying for and receiving support for your company; we are listed with both institutions as expert advisors.