PR-Profis for logistics and explanatory B2B products
0116 years of experience for international customers in intralogistics with explanatory products from the logistics, mechanical engineering and IT sectors including a network of trade journalists.
Cross media commication specialists
02Conception, creation and placement of relevant target group and search engine optimized content for sustainable cross-media marketing communication that gets noticed.
Supported sparring partner, impulse generator and process companion
03Qualified process companions and sparring partners for strategic (re)alignment and transformation of digital communication, with topic-related workshops and up to 100% funded coaching.
Integrated, authentic and sustainable communication
Owner-managed, with more than 25 years of experience in brand communication, we have an entrepreneurial mindset and spirit, as well as solution-oriented and sustainable ``out-of-the-box`` thinking. Our competent team of marketing and communications experts is completely flexible and location-independent thanks to our mobile, digital way of working.